Sunday, 22 October 2006

Thank You DesertPeace

Apologies to visitors to this blog, who use Mozilla Firefox to surf the web, and therefore have been encountering some problems while viewing the posts. Thanks to our beloved DesertPeace, the problem has been identified and dealt with.
If you are still facing the same complications with this blog, I would appreciate it if you leave me a comment.



  1. WOW! You made me feel so special with that title... I'm blushing....
    It's all ok now... problem solved!!!
    Thank you for looking into the matter and.....
    Eid el Fitr Mubarak!
    Have a great one!

  2. Thank you for the note, feedback and Ramadan wishes.
    DesertPeace, you are a good fellow-blogger. I appreciate your friendship.
